Pages tagged #esp32-poe

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1. Friday 22 October 2022
Around a year ago in my series on my future house build, I wrote about a Devantech ethernet relay board, then I went on to review the state of the market as of Q3 2021 comparing various microcontrollers and microcomputers, and I decided at the time to plump for a mixture of STM32F4 and Raspberry Pi Zero for my house automation. I made a custom Home Assistant integration for the Devantech board (it and the cove lighting continue to work perfectly, incidentally, I type to you now under said cove lighting), and all seemed well until August just gone when I mentioned that instead of all that I had bought fifty ESP32 boards, with a promise of a future post about them. ...

2. Saturday 05 October 2024
In my last post on my house build, I expressed frustration that everything had ground to a halt because everybody takes staggered holidays during August, effectively wiping it out as anybody not on holiday gets blocked by somebody else on holiday. One month later, there has been no further progress still. This got me rather annoyed, my house was clearly getting back burnered behind other people’s projects while we here keep renting – so I had to go make some noise as the squeaky wheel is what gets the oil. ...

Contact the webmaster: Niall Douglas @ webmaster2<at symbol> (Last updated: 2024-10-05 11:46:40 +0000 UTC)