Pages tagged #server

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1. Thursday 10th April 2014
Thursday 10th April 2014: 7.47pm. Link shared: So, the parts for my replacement cloud server finally arrived - I had to order the Supermicro X10SL7-F motherboard from the US and import it to Ireland as the only places I could find it reasonably priced in Europe were in Germany, and none of those companies would deduct VAT for my company. The X10SL7-F is quite literally the only motherboard in its niche - high end Haswell home servers - so I had little choice in the selection unfortunately (or cost actually, but in fairness it's quarter the cost of other Xeon server solutions of a similar spec). ...

2. Sunday 15 December 2024
Prepare thyself! This isn’t going to be a post about house building. I think this will be only the second time this year a post hasn’t been about house building. Instead, this post will be my notes on replacing my public internet server as I’m thinking of doing something I’ve never done before: colocation. My current public internet node is which as you might guess by the number six, it is the sixth iteration of said infrastructure. ...

3. Sunday 23 January 2025
I am writing to you at this moment from my new colocated Raspberry Pi servers which have been serving this website for a few days now. I’m still in the process of migrating over email, calendar and other services from the Intel Atom based servers, but there shouldn’t be much more work left in it. This post will be mainly about testing the seventh generation of my public server infrastructure. ...

Contact the webmaster: Niall Douglas @ webmaster2<at symbol> (Last updated: 2025-02-23 11:39:55 +0000 UTC)