Pages tagged #startrekcontinues

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1. Tuesday 26th May 2015
Tuesday 26th May 2015: 1.47am. Link shared: Just watched the prerelease of Star Trek Continues Ep. 4 "The White Iris" which I got early access to as part of the Kickstarter. It's their first "feelings" episode. Now, I never much cared for the touchy feely episodes from the original, they were always brutally cringeworthy and I suspect they were brutally cringe even back in the 60s. Original Star Trek was not a subtle show full of realistic emotional scenes! ...

2. Monday 13th November 2017
Monday 13th November 2017: 11.26pm. Location: Mulgrave Lodge Dun Laoghaire. Just watched the final #startrekcontinues. Very nice ending to the series, segways nicely into the movies. Was the whole half series worth the $140 I invested in their Kickstarters? Probably not, but also probably so. A DVD box set would cost much less. Equally had I not spent the money, maybe they'd never have been made. And they really did land on the mark in terms of matching the feel of the original series which I always much preferred over the newer stuff, including that new Star Trek Discovery which is just meh. ...

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