Pages tagged #ssdsvsharddrives

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1. Sunday 27th July 2014
Sunday 27th July 2014: 5.52pm. I forgot to post my annual SSD vs magnetic hard drive capacity per inflation adjusted dollar graph which I updated in May, so here it is. The trend of deexponentialisation of SSD capacity per dollar growth has continued as I first predicted in 2012 (, and currently SSDs are growing slower than magnetic storage which implies they will never catch up in terms of capacity per dollar. ...

2. Monday 01 June 2020
It is June, so here is the latest update to my annual comparison of storage bytes per inflation adjusted dollar for magnetic hard drives, flash SSDs, and Intel Optane XPoint devices (you can find all the past posts here): Raw data: Last year we had a worldwide glut of flash memory, which led to unusually keenly priced SSDs, as can be seen from the graph above. It would seem that Intel adjust Optane X-Point to match SSD pricing, as this year they have increased pricing by exactly the percentage that SSDs have risen, which is surely no coincidence. ...

3. Saturday 29 May 2021
It is almost June, so here is the latest update to my annual comparison of storage bytes per inflation adjusted dollar for magnetic hard drives, flash SSDs, and Intel Optane XPoint devices (you can find all the past posts here), which I have done every June since 2012: Raw data: This is an unusual year, hard drives are about one third more expensive this year than they were last year (I am very thankful I replaced earlier this year all my hard drives with 3x 16 Tb Seagate drives, I clearly timed the market beautifully). ...

4. Sunday 19 June 2022
A little later than usual due to me being so busy recently, here is the annual update to my periodic comparison of storage bytes per inflation adjusted dollar for magnetic hard drives, flash SSDs, and Intel Optane XPoint devices (you can find all the past posts here), which I have done every June since 2012: Raw data: This time last year I predicted: I expect this time next year hard drive prices will have dropped back onto their long term trend line, and SSD prices perhaps will be flat. ...

5. Friday 02 June 2023
Here is the annual update to my periodic comparison of storage bytes per inflation adjusted dollar for magnetic hard drives, flash SSDs, and Intel Optane XPoint devices (you can find all the past posts here), which I have done every June since 2012: Raw data: This time last year I predicted: I’m going to suggest that both hard drives and SSDs will improve again this time next year as surplus capacity fights cost of manufacture ...

6. Sunday 02 June 2024
Here is the annual update to my periodic comparison of storage bytes per inflation adjusted dollar for magnetic hard drives, flash SSDs, and Intel Optane XPoint devices (you can find all the past posts here), which I have done every June since 2012: Raw data: This time last year I predicted: This time last year I thought a recession would be upon us by now, as interest rates rose above inflation in order to bring it down. ...

Contact the webmaster: Niall Douglas @ webmaster2<at symbol> (Last updated: 2024-06-02 22:32:13 +0000 UTC)