Pages tagged #monad

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1. Saturday 13th June 2015
Saturday 13th June 2015: 4.02am. Link shared: As much as I only just said earlier today that my world's simplest C++ monad was going to be obsessive about keeping build times low and therefore avoiding all metaprogramming, there is one niche area where heavy metaprogramming makes a lot of sense: the monadic bind and map operations. Under the "you only pay for what you use" principle, if you are using those monadic programming operations it means you accept substantial build time costs over doing the same operations manually by hand. ...

2. Saturday 13th June 2015
Saturday 13th June 2015: 4.02am. Link shared: As much as I only just said earlier today that my world's simplest C++ monad was going to be obsessive about keeping build times low and therefore avoiding all metaprogramming, there is one niche area where heavy metaprogramming makes a lot of sense: the monadic bind and map operations. Under the "you only pay for what you use" principle, if you are using those monadic programming operations it means you accept substantial build time costs over doing the same operations manually by hand. ...

Contact the webmaster: Niall Douglas @ webmaster2<at symbol> (Last updated: 2015-06-13 04:02:49 +0000 UTC)