Pages tagged #if

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1. Tuesday 19th May 2015
Tuesday 19th May 2015: 5.00pm. Link shared: As part of publicising my C++ Now 2015 talk last week, here is part 15 of 20 from its accompanying Handbook of Examples of Best Practice for C++ 11/14 (Boost) libraries:15. BUILD: Consider defaulting to header only, but actively manage facilities for reducing build timesMaking your library header only is incredibly convenient for your users - they simply drop in a copy of your project and get to work, no build system worries. ...

2. Tuesday 19th May 2015
Tuesday 19th May 2015: 5.00pm. Link shared: As part of publicising my C++ Now 2015 talk last week, here is part 15 of 20 from its accompanying Handbook of Examples of Best Practice for C++ 11/14 (Boost) libraries:15. BUILD: Consider defaulting to header only, but actively manage facilities for reducing build timesMaking your library header only is incredibly convenient for your users - they simply drop in a copy of your project and get to work, no build system worries. ...

3. Tuesday 19th May 2015
Tuesday 19th May 2015: 5.00pm. Link shared: As part of publicising my C++ Now 2015 talk last week, here is part 15 of 20 from its accompanying Handbook of Examples of Best Practice for C++ 11/14 (Boost) libraries:15. BUILD: Consider defaulting to header only, but actively manage facilities for reducing build timesMaking your library header only is incredibly convenient for your users - they simply drop in a copy of your project and get to work, no build system worries. ...

4. Tuesday 19th May 2015
Tuesday 19th May 2015: 5.00pm. Link shared: As part of publicising my C++ Now 2015 talk last week, here is part 15 of 20 from its accompanying Handbook of Examples of Best Practice for C++ 11/14 (Boost) libraries:15. BUILD: Consider defaulting to header only, but actively manage facilities for reducing build timesMaking your library header only is incredibly convenient for your users - they simply drop in a copy of your project and get to work, no build system worries. ...

5. Thursday 28th May 2015
Thursday 28th May 2015: 6.22pm. Link shared: As part of publicising my C++ Now 2015 talk two weeks ago, here is part 16 of 19 from its accompanying Handbook of Examples of Best Practice for C++ 11/14 (Boost) libraries:16. COUPLING: Consider allowing your library users to dependency inject your dependencies on other librariesAs mentioned earlier, the libraries reviewed overwhelmingly chose to use STL11 over any equivalent Boost libraries, so hardcoded std::thread instead of boost::thread, hardcoded std::shared_ptr over boost::shared_ptr and so on. ...

6. Thursday 28th May 2015
Thursday 28th May 2015: 6.22pm. Link shared: As part of publicising my C++ Now 2015 talk two weeks ago, here is part 16 of 19 from its accompanying Handbook of Examples of Best Practice for C++ 11/14 (Boost) libraries:16. COUPLING: Consider allowing your library users to dependency inject your dependencies on other librariesAs mentioned earlier, the libraries reviewed overwhelmingly chose to use STL11 over any equivalent Boost libraries, so hardcoded std::thread instead of boost::thread, hardcoded std::shared_ptr over boost::shared_ptr and so on. ...

Contact the webmaster: Niall Douglas @ webmaster2<at symbol> (Last updated: 2015-05-28 18:22:10 +0000 UTC)