Pages tagged #gsoc

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1. Monday 29th April 2013
Monday 29th April 2013: 1.10am. Twenty-four Google Summer of Code applications to Boost and rising. About half of them are serious applications, each with detailed and lengthy technical information needing a thoughtful consideration before scoring. Surprising the lack of Western names, I guess Western students don't think GSoC worth the time anymore? It's certainly a lot of work for what I suppose isn't considered much money (US$5000) in Western countries - we'd pay our interns in BlackBerry a lot more than that, and I don't think we'd work them quite as hard. ...

2. Friday 3rd May 2013
Friday 3rd May 2013: 5.05am. It's 1.02am and I just nailed a memory corruption bug in my async file i/o library which I've submitted to Google Summer of Code 2013 as a proposed new Boost library (turns out you must be careful of overriding Boost macro defaults). Was up till 1.24am last night getting a clean compile on GCC 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 and clang 3.2 on ARM. Student coding test example solution is finished and working. ...

3. Sunday 2nd June 2013
Sunday 2nd June 2013: 12.02am. Link shared: I guess it's now safe to announce that I have been appointed by Google as a Google Summer of Code 2013 mentor for two Boost C++ libraries, proposed Boost.AFIO (asynchronous file i/o support for C++) and proposed Boost.Trie (a prefix tree indexed STL C++ container). Both of these GSoC projects will be of immense benefit to the C++ ecosystem for all C++ users, and stand as strong candidates for future incorporation into a future ISO C++ language standard. ...

4. Thursday 13th June 2013
Thursday 13th June 2013: 4.05am. Link shared: My async file i/o library is done! Feature complete, valgrind clean, 90% unit test coverage. Paul now has a free run for GSoC Boost.AFIO!#boostcon #gsoc2013 #gsoc #boost #c++  ...

5. Wednesday 14th August 2013
Wednesday 14th August 2013: 3.59am. VS2010 now compiles proposed Boost.AFIO. It has even been known to, sometimes, pass it its unit tests ... still some work to go there, though there is sadly a showstopping segfault in the VS2010 runtime regarding null exception_ptr returns from std::current_exception(), so we may have look into patching in the greatly fixed VS2010 runtime from VS2012. My congrats to Paul for doing such great work in C preprocessor programming! ...

6. Monday 19th August 2013
Monday 19th August 2013: 9.34pm. Well today I was fired from BlackBerry as part of their downsizing! I was barely there, just ten and a half months, but in my short time there I think it is safe to say I certainly made an impression - I think I even achieved the fastest internal Stackoverflow karma points rise ever, but don't quote me on that!Some of the highlights of my time there included single handedly porting clang/LLVM to QNX, something I only finished last Friday and it was wizard to watch LLVM being live JITed into ARM on device. ...

7. Saturday 24th August 2013
Saturday 24th August 2013: 5.18am. Boost.AFIO finally goes all green on the CI ... you have no idea how many dozens and dozens of hours of debugging race conditions in other people's code (and then figuring out workarounds in AFIO code) it has taken to reach this point.I am actually quite emotional. Such a huge amount of effort. So many, many bugs and weirdnesses in the older STLs and Boost. ...

Contact the webmaster: Niall Douglas @ webmaster2<at symbol> (Last updated: 2013-08-24 05:18:44 +0000 UTC)