Pages tagged #CppCon

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1. Monday 27th June 2016
Monday 27th June 2016: 10.58am. My CppCon talk "Memory mapped distributed mutual exclusion using Proposed Boost.AFIO (asynchronous filesystem and file i/o)" has been accepted for presentation at CppCon 2016 in Seattle this September. My thanks to the Programme Committee for taking a bit of a risk on this topic, because as you'll see from the proposed abstract it is not certain if the topic is even feasible (if it isn't, I'll present the results of my failure :) )" ...

2. Wednesday 7th September 2016
Wednesday 7th September 2016: 7.27am. Link shared: Ten days exactly to go before I depart for CppCon 2016 in Seattle! I am very glad to report that the code I am presenting (link to talk is below) finally passed the last of its unit tests yesterday, so it is finally debugged and I have some performance benchmarks. As expected, this new filesystem locking algorithm is a full order of magnitude (10x-20x) faster than anything else in AFIO v2 that was presented at ACCU 2016 last April. ...

3. Tuesday 13th September 2016
Tuesday 13th September 2016: 11.10am. Link shared: Finished writing the talk description of my CppCon workshop next week:"This is the third and likely final part of a "from first principles" series of beginner's workshops based on developing the v2 post-peer-review rewrite of proposed Boost.AFIO, a C++ library wrapping the advanced features of the filesystem intended for eventual ISO C++ standardisation. If you're the kind of library developer who likes building unusual low level concurrent algorithms using the very latest C++ 14-17 (proposed) features and testing them for time and space complexities, this is definitely your kind of talk. ...

4. Sunday 18th September 2016
Sunday 18th September 2016: 5.15pm. Location: Hyatt Regency. Here in Bellevue (Seattle) for #CppCon 2016 same hotel with a slightly nicer view than last year. Feeling unusually ropey the day after long distance travel than is usual for me, I have decided to try the gym and see if that enables a nap which might sort me out. ...

5. Thursday 22nd September 2016
Thursday 22nd September 2016: 5.05pm. Location: Hyatt Regency. Getting ready for the last practice run of my #CppCon workshop which I'll be giving in a few hours time. This time I really do expect to be the smallest in this track and not get surprised by the attendance like at the @ACCUConf, but I expect the questions to be much harder because I presupplied my slides, so those who attend will likely be quite hardcore enthusiasts. ...

Contact the webmaster: Niall Douglas @ webmaster2<at symbol> (Last updated: 2016-09-22 17:05:44 +0000 UTC)