Pages tagged #BEurtle

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1. Monday 16th July 2012
Monday 16th July 2012: 9.39am. Link shared: Much to my amazement, I completed a fully functional (according to the new virgin Windows XP VirtualBox unit test) suite of Windows installers including fancy-dancy bootstrapping self-.NET-2.0-downloading installer yesterday. That's about three days less than expected, and I can thank the v3.6 RC release of WiX for that. Its new burn bootstrapper actually made doing Windows Installers much better than "fun, fun, fun" ...

2. Tuesday 17th July 2012
Tuesday 17th July 2012: 10.19am. Link shared: You know, that Yauco Selecto Vatican coffee has been growing on me over the last few days. The trick is not just slapping in any old amount of coffee and water, but to get the quantities exactly right. If you do get them exactly right, the coffee is quite sublime. Way over-roasted I still think, and from searching Google Yauco Selecto is a mild roast, not Old Government Java style way-over-the-top roast, but it's hard to completely wreck quality coffee. ...

Contact the webmaster: Niall Douglas @ webmaster2<at symbol> (Last updated: 2012-07-17 10:19:55 +0000 UTC)