Niall’s virtual diary archives – Wednesday 14th October 2015

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Wednesday 14th October 2015: 10.52am.

CppCon videos are up, and here is mine on Racing the File System which is a beginner's level workshop on race free filing system techniques leading up to proposed Boost.AFIO, an asynchronous file and race free filesystem library for C++. As much as it's "beginner's level", it's more really "from first principles", so it gets into more interesting stuff by the end including the transactional key-value store I'd like to be standardised into the C++ runtime based on AFIO. I'll also apologise for being rather plump in this video, I pulled some crazy hours between February and CppCon in September which prevented all exercise and it shows. Since CppCon I've redirected all my free time away from out-of-work programming into exercise and health, and I am feeling very much the better for it, though a little saddened that I make such slow progress on my pet C++ libraries when investing just four or five hours per week. It's all about give and take and balance in the end.

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