Sunday 12th May 2013: 5.06pm. Link shared:,+Meadows+Road,+Aspen,+CO&hl=en&sll=39.185034,-106.821957&sspn=0.062403,0.110378&oq=aspen+meadow&hq=Aspen+Meadows+Resort,+Meadows+Road,+Aspen,+CO&t=m&z=14&source=gplus-ogsb
Currently in Aspen Meadows, Colorado for the C++ Now 2013 conference. Never been into the Rockie Mountains before, always was either on one side or the other looking up at them rather than being surrounded by them. Scenic place this, albeit highly manufactured. Pricey too - before joining BlackBerry I wouldn't have been able to justify the expense, but now after ten days of exhaustion with Boost GSoC, the UW research retreat on alternatives to growth, plus of course a full BlackBerry workload, well yeah I'm taking today off. Thankfully it's sunny so far, and relatively warm. I might go for a swim later before walking into Aspen and finding some restaurant.
#aspenmeadows #aspen #boost #c++now #boostcon #c++