(SWI &C1008)

On entry: 
R0 =  ptr to workspace
R1 =  Pointer to zero-terminated API descriptor string
On exit:
R0 =  Result code of Win32 call (if valid)
R1 =  Result of GetLastError() after Win32 call
Interrupts: Interrupt status is unaltered
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor Mode:  Processor is in SVC mode
Re-entrancy: SWI is reentrant (disables IRQs for duration of SWI)
Use: This call performs the API specified by R1 Win32-side. The format of the descriptor can be found in the page for CallWin32_Immediate.

The workspace pointed to by R0 should have been prepared using CallWin32_Pars* calls. Any memory referenced by CallWin32_ParsAddMemBlk or CallWin32_ParsAddString must persist for the duration of this call.

Related SWIs: CallWin32_Immediate (SWI &C1001), CallWin32_ParsInit (SWI &C1002), CallWin32_ParsAddInt32 (SWI &C1003), CallWin32_ParsAddInt16 (SWI &C1004), CallWin32_ParsAddInt8 (SWI &C1005), CallWin32_ParsAddMemBlk (SWI &C1006), CallWin32_ParsAddString (SWI &C1007)